Below is a list of all research group Publications and Datasets. As the research progresses, we will continue to add to this list.
Publications - Our favourites are shown in bold!
Click the links below to view an Open Access copy of each document:
Journal Publications
Simon De-Ville, Fran Wilson and Virginia Stovin, 2024, Briefing: How long-term monitoring of SuDS will inform next-generation guidance and modelling tools, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Civil Engineering.
De-Ville S, Edmondson J, Green D, Stirling R, Dawson R, Stovin V, 2024, Effect of vegetation treatment and water stress on evapotranspiration in bioretention systems, Water Research 252.
Ismail, S.N.R., Stovin V. and Cameron, R.W.F, 2023, Functional urban ground-cover plants: Identifying traits that promote rainwater retention and dissipation, Urban Ecosystems.
Peng, Z., Stovin, V. et al., 2023, Visualisation of Clogging in Green Infrastructure Growing Media, Urban Water Journal.
Stovin, V., Quinn, R. and Rouge, C., 2023, Continuous Simulation Supports Multiple Design Criteria for Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment.
Stovin, V.R., Sonnenwald, F., Golzar, M. and Guymer, I., 2022, The Impact of Cylinder Diameter Distribution on Longitudinal and Transverse Dispersion within Random Cylinder Arrays, Water Resources Research.
Sefton, C., Sharp, L., Quinn, R., Stovin, V., Pitcher, L., 2022, The feasibility of domestic raintanks contributing to community-oriented urban flood resilience, Climate Risk Management, 2022, 35, 100390
Peng, Z., Garner, B. and Stovin, V., 2021, Two Green Roof Detention Models Applied in Two Green Roof Systems, ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering,
Abdalla, E.M.H., Pons, V., Stovin, V., De-Ville, S., Fassman-Beck, E., Alfredsen, K. and Merete Muthanna, T., 2021, Evaluating different machine learning methods to simulate runoff from extensive green roofs, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 25, 5917–5935,
Askari, S.H., De-Ville, S., Hathway, E.A. and Stovin, V., 2021, Estimating Evapotranspiration from Commonly Occurring Urban Plant Species Using Porometry and Canopy Stomatal Conductance. Water, 13, 2262.
De-Ville, S., Green, D., Edmondson, J., Stirling, R., Dawson, R and Stovin, V.,2021, Evaluating the Potential Hydrological Performance of a Bioretention Media with 100% Recycled Waste Components, Water, 13, 2014.
Quinn, R., Rougé, C. and Stovin, V., 2021, Quantifying the performance of dual-use rainwater harvesting systems, Water Research X.
Peng, Z., Smith, C. and Stovin, V., 2020, The importance of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity measurements for green roof detention modelling. Journal of Hydrology.
Quinn, R.; Melville-Shreeve, P.; Butler, D.; Stovin, V., 2020, A Critical Evaluation of the Water Supply and Stormwater Management Performance of Retrofittable Domestic Rainwater Harvesting Systems. Water, 12, 1184.
Edmondson, J.L., Cunningham, H., Densley Tingley, D.O., Dobson, M.C., Grafius, D.R., Leake, J.R., McHugh, N., Nickles, J., Phoenix, G.K., Ryan, A.J. Stovin, V., Taylor Buck, N., Warren, P.H. and Cameron, D.D., 2020, The hidden potential of urban horticulture, Nature Food.
Peng, Z., Smith, C. and Stovin, V., 2019, Internal fluctuations in green roof substrate moisture content during storm events: Monitored data and model simulations, Journal of Hydrology, 573, 872-884,
De-Ville, S., Menon, M., Jia, X. and Stovin, V., 2018, A longitudinal microcosm study on the effects of ageing on potential green roof hydrological performance, Water, 10, 784;
Ji, P., Sæbø, A., Stovin, V. and Hanslin, H.M., 2018, Sedum root foraging in layered green roof substrates, Plant and Soil, 430(1). 263-276.
Berretta, C., Aiello, A., Jensen, H.S., Tillotson, M.R., Boxall, A. and Stovin, V., 2018, Influence of design and media amendments on the performance of stormwater biofilters, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Water Management,
De-Ville, S., Menon, M. and Stovin, V., 2018, Temporal variations in the potential hydrological performance of extensive green roof systems, Journal of Hydrology, 558, 564-578,
Sonnenwald, F., Guymer, I. and Stovin, V., 2017, Computational fluid dynamics modelling of residence times in vegetated stormwater ponds, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Water Management,
Yuan, J., Dunnett, N. and Stovin, V., 2017, The influence of vegetation on rain garden hydrological performance, Urban Water Journal, DOI:
Peng, Z. and Stovin, V., 2017, Independent validation of the SWMM Green Roof Module, ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 22(9): 04017037,
De-Ville, S., Menon, M., Jia, Xiaodong, Reed, G. and Stovin10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001558, V., 2017, The impact of green roof ageing on substrate characteristics and hydrological performance, Journal of Hydrology, 547, 332-244,
Sonnenwald, F., Hart, J.R., West, P., Stovin, V.R. and Guymer, I, 2017, Transverse and longitudinal mixing in real emergent vegetation at low velocities, Water Resources Research, 53,
Fassman-Beck, E., Hunt, W., Berghage, R., Carpenter, D., Kurtz, T., Stovin, V., and Wadzuk, B., 2015, Curve Number and Runoff Coefficients for Extensive Living Roofs, J. Hydrol. Eng.,
Stovin, V., Poë, S., De-Ville, S. and Berretta, C., 2015, The influence of substrate and vegetation configuration on green roof hydrological performance, Ecological Engineering, Vol. 85, 159-172.:
Stovin, V., Vesuviano, G. and De-Ville, S., 2017, Defining green roof detention performance, Urban Water Journal.
Poë, S., Stovin, V. and Berretta, C., 2015, Parameters influencing the regeneration of a green roof’s retention capacity via evapotranspiration, Journal of Hydrology, 523, 356-367.
Berretta, C., Poë, S. and Stovin, V., 2014, Moisture content behavior in extensive green roofs during dry periods: The influence of vegetation and substrate characteristics, J. Hydrol., 511, 374-386.
Stovin, V., Poë, S. and Berretta, C, 2013, A modelling study of long term green roof retention performance, Journal of Environmental Management, 131, 206-215.
Yio, MHN, Stovin, V., Werdin, J. and Vesuviano, G., 2013, Experimental Analysis of Green Roof Detention Characteristics, Water Science and Technology, 68.7 1477-1486.
Vesuviano, G. and Stovin, V., 2013, A generic hydrological model for a green roof drainage layer, Water Science and Technology, 68.4, 769-775.
Stovin, V.R., Moore, S.L., Wall, M., and Ashley, R.M., 2013, The potential to retrofit sustainable drainage systems to address combined sewer overflow discharges in the Thames Tideway catchment, Water and Environment Journal, Vol. 27, Issue 2, 216-228.
Moore, S.L., Stovin, V.R., Wall, M. and Ashley, R.M., 2012, A GIS-based methodology for selecting stormwater disconnection opportunities, Water Science and Technology, 66.2, 275-283.
Stovin, V., Vesuviano, G. and Kasmin, H., 2012, The hydrological performance of a green roof test bed under UK climatic conditions, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 414-415, 148-161. ISSN 0022-1694.
Click the links below to view an Open Access copy of each dataset:
Stovin, Virginia (2024). Mappin Green Roof Test Bed Rainfall and Runoff Data 2007. The University of Sheffield. Dataset.
De-Ville, Simon; Peng, Zhangjie; Stovin, Virginia (2024). Urban Green DaMS: Hydraulic Conductivity Function Data. The University of Sheffield. Dataset.
De-Ville, Simon (2024). Urban Green DaMS: Bioretention Column Detention Data. The University of Sheffield. Dataset.
De-Ville, Simon; Stovin, Virginia (2023). Urban Green DaMS: Evapotranspiration in Bioretention Systems Data. The University of Sheffield. Dataset.
Peng, Zhangjie; Edmondson, Jill; Stirling, Ross; Green, Daniel; Dawson, Richard; De-Ville, Simon; et al. (2023). Visualisation of Clogging in Green Infrastructure Growing Media. The University of Sheffield. Figure.
Peng, Zhangjie; Stovin, Virginia; Werdin, Joerg (2021). Experimental characterisations of green roof substrate physical properties. The University of Sheffield. Dataset.
De-Ville, Simon; Stovin, Virginia; Berretta, Christian; Werdin, Joerg; Poë, Simon (2020): Hadfield Green Roof 5-year Dataset. The University of Sheffield. Dataset.
Shuxin Ren | The University of Sheffield | 2024